ICORD members and non-members are welcome to send their expression of interest to host future Annual ICORD Meetings to the secretariat, icord@icord.es.
ICORD arranges annual meetings on rare diseases and orphan drugs in different parts of the world together with local groups. The meetings provide a great opportunity to take part of and share the latest international updates in the field of rare diseases, to learn about the local/regional situation where the annual meeting is organised and to network with many different stakeholders, such as academia, patient groups, health care workers, health authorities and industry representatives.
There is three categories of ICORD meetings,
Category 1) ICORD annual conferences (ICORD awareness activity)
Finances: average flat rate fee 6,000 Euro, paid by local organizers within 30 days after the conference (approx. 7-8% from a typical budget for such events)
ICORD duties: facilitate local organizes with the scientific program (to be approved finally by ICORD), invite speakers, know-how, communication, guidelines
Events label: “ICORD annual conference”
The programmes of the annual meetings are put together by a committee representing different stakeholders from different regions of the world. The committee aims to create a programme that is of interest to both ICORD members coming from abroad and to the local participants. One important objective of the annual meetings is to create a platform for stakeholders to meet and exchange knowledge and best practices.
The place of the next ICORD international meeting will be posted soon.
Category 2) ICORD own webinars/meetings (ICORD promotional activities)
Finances: free/paid participation, depending on the Board decision with 100% profit for ICORD
ICORD duties: organize and manage the event alone
Events label: “ICORD event”
Category 3) ICORD joint webinars/meetings (ICORD profitable activities)
Finances: free for governmental collaborators // 2000 Euro fee for NGOs paid within 30 days after the conference (approx. 7-8% from a typical budget for such events)
ICORD duties: facilitate local organizes with the scientific program, potential speakers, communication
Events label: “XXX-ICORD event”
Summaries and presentations from the past annual ICORD meetings can be found in the menu under Past Events.